Children are the future.
Inspiring children to make sustainable and environmentally minded decisions is paramount to the future success of our environment. Gili Lankanfushi has exciting and environmentally educational activities for all age groups and World
Children’s Day is an amazing opportunity for Gili Lankanfushi to highlight these.
We have a dedicated Marine Biology Shack called Gili Veshi where guests, staff and school groups are educated about the marine environment. Gili Veshi is equipped with a digital microscope so hands on experience with scientific
equipment is available. Children collect non-living samples like coral, shells and leaves on a beach walk and investigate the samples by viewing the images on a large screen. Children can gain in-depth knowledge of natural structures in
addition to learning how to use a microscope.
Viewing coral under digital microscope
To engage children in nature we hold a treasure hunt that leads participants around the island in search of questions which answers unlock the next location. During the search, we combine the treasure hunt with our Eco Tour which highlights important marine and terrestrial life together with our sustainable initiatives. Interesting plant and animal life are identified, and information is provided for a positive learning experience. Along the jetty, black tip reef sharks, guitar sharks, turtles and eagle rays can be spotted allowing for an interactive experience where knowledge from ID guides and Fish Workshops can be applied in real time. The tour also explores the Eco Centre which is the central recycling and composting hub on the island and helps to sustain the Chef’s Garden which contains a variety of leaves and herbs grown on site.
Chef’s Garden
For competent swimmers over eight years old, guided snorkels are available along our house reef with our resident Marine Biologists. A presentation covering likely fish encounters is followed by a 45 minute snorkel along the shallow and deep areas of our reef. Children are able to put theoretical knowledge into practical experience and identify different fish species. During the snorkel, turtles, sharks, rays and napoleon wrasse can be spotted along with thousands of other fish, so keeps your eyes peeled!
Coral line project
Our coral line project is a reef rehabilitation project that currently has almost 200 lines. Each line contains 50 fragments spaced along a five metre nylon rope. Guests are able to donate a coral line with our marine biologists which is then transferred to our house nursery and monitored over the next year. Every three months growth and survival rates are measured and photographs are taken, so you can stay updated with line’s progress online. After three years the line can be transplanted to the house reef so you may even snorkel past it in the future!
Gili Veshi’s Fish Workshop engages all ages of children. Young children can colour pictures, whilst older children can read the descriptions and use an ID guide to accurately colour the fish. We encourage children to document the marine life seen and bring photos and descriptions to Gili Veshi. Together can we search through ID guides until the correct fish is found. This provides an insight into the fish and allows children to understand the complexity of the marine environment.
If you fancy sitting back and relaxing then regular presentations are given on manta rays, sharks, turtles, reef fish and whale sharks. We also conduct longer, more in-depth presentations twice a week or play environmental movies for children. We can arrange different presentations and movies that are tailored to our audience’s interest. You are more than welcome to come and learn with us!
Manta Ray presentation
Bringing your children to Gili Lankanfushi isn’t just a fantastic holiday; it’s a fun and interactive learning experience. We can’t wait to see you!